Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Thankfulness Blog

Today I am thankful for old friendships that do not die simply because you are in a different season of life. Enough said!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Thankfulness Blog - Week #3

Today, I am thankful for my parents. I have the best parents in the world. They have never let me down and are my biggest supporters, encouragers, and friends. Not everyone has a great relationship with their parents. I am thankful for two loving parents who love me no matter what. I have been blessed with two super role models of success in their careers, in their families, and in their church. Thankful for you on this day Mom and Dad!

Friday, November 12, 2010

30 Days of Thankfulness - my girls!

Today, I am thankful for my girlfriends. I have a core group of girls who are some of my best friends. We pick up right where we left off. When life happens and you need someone to lean on, these are my go to gals. I love them so much and I am thankful that God has put these godly women in my life. Seasons come and seasons go, friends come in and out of your life. But these girls are lifetime friends. Amy, Steph, Mags, Aimee, Rach, and Nee Nee - love you girls so much and wouldn't trade the world for you! Thanks for your friendship!!!!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

30 Days of Thankfulness Blog - Freedom

Today I am thankful for my freedom, specifically I am thankful for all of those who have served in the military to assure my freedoms in this great country. I am thankful for those who served the ultimate price of their lives and for those who have come back wounded with memories we will never understand. I am thankful for my Grandpa who was a life-long soldier and for my Dad who served in the Air Force. I am thankful for the rights that I may take forgranted each day that was bought at a price.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

30 Days of Thankfulness

Today, as I was driving to work with my boys, we began talking about the beautiful trees that are changing colors. We pointed out the yellow ones, the gold ones, the orange ones, the brown ones, and the red ones. Jack asked me why trees change colors. Caleb shouted out before I could answer, "So God can teach you your colors!". Great response K-man. Yes, today I am thankful for the beautiful masterpiece God has put in front of us to live in - the world. Do you take the time to notice? Thank you Lord, that you reminded me of your greatness through the observations of my children! :)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Thankfulness Blog Week #2

I am thankful for my children. They light up my world around me and make me feel young. I hope that one day they will remember their childhood and think we did an ok job. It is a huge undertaking to guide and teach children to become good human beings. I am thankful that they remind me to laugh when I have had a hard day. I am thankful that they remind me that you are only young once, so you better embrace it. I am thankful that they love me and I am thankful that God entrusted those little guys to my care here on earth. I love my sweet boys and am so thankful that they made me a mom!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Thankfulness blog

Today, I am thankful for my family. I am thankful that I have a loving family that supports each other no matter what. I am thankful that as the stress of the holidays approach, my stress relates to how I am going to fit everyone in and not how am I going to get along with someone. I am blessed with wonderful in-laws who love me and accept me. Not everyone can say the same. I am thankful for a family who loves each other.

Friday, November 5, 2010

30 Days of Thankfulness #2

Today, I am thankful for my campus community - my job. Today, OSU-OKC will remember our President, Dr. Jerry Carroll who passed away last week of cancer. Our campus will miss him greatly. But as we reflect, and begin this time of transition, I am thankful for the community that we are. It' not going to be easy - it will definitely be painful. However, God placed each of us on this campus at this time to make a difference. I am thankful that I work at a wonderful place where the goal is to make a difference in someone's life - from the top down.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

30 Days of Thankfulness

So, I was challenged by a fellow classmate to join him in blogging 30 days of Thankfulness. It seems like a great idea. However, I am late. Oh well...better late than never.

Today I am thankful that my husband and I can provide for my family. I joined some fellow colleagues at the Hope Luncheon at the Regional Food Bank. It was a very powerful experience. I have never been hungry. I mean the true hunger where your belly hurts so bad you cry. Sure, I have had to fast for medical procedures like getting my wisdom teeth out and it wasn't fun. But, I knew that as soon as I could eat, there would be food available. This is not everyone's reality - and I am talking right here in Oklahoma! Not in Africa or some other far away country - right here! I am thankful that my children do not have to worry about only getting one meal a day or maybe no food at all. I am thankful that I don't have to worry about my one year old failing to thrive because he is starving to death. I am thankful that God opened my eyes to the needs of people right here in my community! And, I am thankful that He touched my heart to try and make a difference. Yes, I am thankful Lord, for the blessing of the life that has been chosen for me.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Catchin' up

Well, well, well...It's April! Can't believe it!

Lots of stuff goin' on in the Casa de Pendleton. Kman is now 7!!! I. Know. Un-be-lieve-able! He is very proud of 7 and it is now his new "favorite"number. I am beginning to see a trend of a new number after every birthday. Speaking of Kman...Wy-Boy thinks his big brother is hilarious. Nobody makes that kiddo laugh like his big brother. I am talking big 'ol belly laughs...the kind that makes you start to giggle and laugh too. In bigger news, K-man made the decision to ask Jesus into his heart. He prayed the prayer with Daddy and then promptly stated, "I ain't goin' to hell!" I am so proud of him as he continues to grow. I love, love, love hearing his sweet little voice praising the Lord. It makes my heart smile! *sigh*

J-Dub is a riot people. He is also onery as sin and can take his big brother out. (Mostly because K-man knows he will be in trouble if he retaliates!) Last night I was reading the book "I'll love you forever!" because that's what Mom's do...we read the book 100 times, even though they could read it to us by memory. At the end of the story, a sweet little two year old voice said, "Mama, I love you forever." Ahhhh...my heart melts....*sigh*

Wy-Boy is sitting up all by himself. He will sit in his exocsaucer or in the floor and play. That is, until he no longer wants to be by himself...then I sit in the floor with him while he plays. The sweetest look is when I come by and his little blue eyes light up and he raises his arms up waiting for me to pick him up. Makes this Mama's day....*sigh*.

God continues to bless me each day with these little men. Thank you for sharing them with me God!

Monday, February 8, 2010

A little of this and a little of that...

I can't believe Wy-boy has cut a tooth! I am going to try and get a picture of it, but so far, it has been near impossible! We have had so much snowy and icy weather here. It has been unbelievable. You would think we lived further north or something! Right now, big huge snowflakes are falling and the ground is covered. I hope it doesn't start getting slick!

The boys are doing awesome and are continuing to keep us busy. Wy-Boy has mastered rolling over and also has a peculiar little way of pushing his legs underneath him to scoot across the floor. You can see he is figuring things out and I know it is only a matter of time before he is truly mobile. K-man is busy with school and is almost finished with his 22 lists of sight words! Thank goodness! He is reading very well and I am so proud of him! J-Dub is a mess! We still are working on potty training, though I must admit, I need to be more diligent. He still doesn't tell me all the time when he has to potty. Frustrating!! He is a joy and I love it when he says..."Mama, u pwetty!" Awwwww... :)

We are looking forward to spring and all the fun times that are around the corner. I will post pics soon!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! We welcome you 2010!

So far, it's been bitterly cold and several of the gifts from Santa are sitting in the garage because it is just too darn cold to do anything outside! We still have a good amount of snow in our front yard from the "Blizzard 2009" escapade on Christmas Eve. I have never seen horizontal snow, but I did on that day. Alot of it! It changed all of our plans, but I was thankful for my boys and a warm house to cuddle in for the night.

My stinky boys are doing great. K-man is attempting to get back into the swing of school even though it was cancelled today due to power outages. J-Dub is an onery little thing. It is hard not to laugh when he sasses, but we are making him mind and attempting to teach him respect. Potty training has its moments. Still not there, but getting closer. I. Hate. Poopy. Diapers. No kidding, especially from him! :) My little Wy-Wy is growing like a weed. He weighs 15 lbs and has started eating rice cereal. I know this will make him a chunky monkey! Smiles all the time and melts my heart...he sho' does! AND...he gave me an early Christmas present of sleeping through the night!!! Makes a world of difference people!

I am enjoying not having any class assignments to turn in or papers to write or sitting through a lecture. Ahhh...bliss. However, I do believe that I will be applying for a doctorate program this spring with the hopes to begin my coursework in the fall. Who knows, one day you may be addressing me by Dr. Pendleton. I will accept Doc....

Other than that, we are trying very hard to eat healthy and somewhere in there start a workout routine. I have no choice if I want to keep up with these stinky boys! :)