It's simple really...as I rush around and get cranky about everything that I need to accomplish during the holiday season, my kids are teaching me about the anticipation of Christmas. It is simply amazing to see how K-man and J-Dub get excited about the Advent Box each morning. Our sweet friend, Aimee, gave us an advent box and small Chrismas tree to hang the ornaments on each day of advent. J-Dub is so excited each morning as he points for me to get it down to open the day's door. He jumps up and down and claps his hands...he knows...he gets it...the anticipation of what will be behind the door and what part of the story it represents. K-man tells us the story each morning and is so sweet with his brother. Turning on the Christams lights is a big deal for little brother. He oohs and ahs over the lights and touches the ornaments. This is what advent is all about, the anticipation of the Christ child to come - the greatest gift- the gift of salvation. As I watch my boys and see their excitement, I begin to get excited and anticipate what this season will bring. Thank you Father for the wonderful gift of your Son!!!
K-man was in the church Christmas Musical this past Sunday. He did a great job and so did all the other kids in our church! The Grumpy Shepherd was a huge success and was such a thrill to watch our kids minister to our congregation. K-man informed Mamaw that "I am just a sheep!". But what a cute sheep! J-Dub even got in on the action as a baby angel. He was C-U-T-E!!!!
We are so thankful for things this year. Our family has been so blessed with the addition of Staci's Princess E!!! Christmas will be so much fun and busy! Aunt J and her beau will be in this weekend, along with Aunt Heather and Uncle Dave. May your family be blessed during this Christmas season and may God reveal himself to you in the birth of our Savior. Merry Christmas!