Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Sickness and power surges

Sickness! Sickness I say, sickness!!!

Jack was sick from Saturday evening until yesterday. Ummm...it was not fun! Not.one.little.bit! He ran fever and had what Caleb likes to call "the scribbles". I am sure you can figure out what Caleb is referring to here. Anyway, in all my years of being around little babies and changing diapers, I have never seen such horrible "scribbles" in my life. It was oozing from the waistband of the diaper and the legs. It got on his clothes, my foot, the floor...everything! Ewwww.... I am happy to report that Jack is feeling better today and that all scribbles have been thoroughly cleaned up and sanitized accordingly.

My home computer is sick too. BOO!!! Mama not happy! I tried to get get online yesterday only to find the dreaded black screen with white cursor. OK...reboot. Nothing. One more time for posterity. Nothing again. I guess I need to head to Geeks R Us to check on the computer so I can stay connected at home.

It is always disheartening when you hear that dreaded sound in the middle of the night. You know, the sound of silence when everything electrical has quit working, particularly the ceiling fans and the air. Then you always look over just to make sure you aren't hallucinating and check the alarm clock. Of course, it was flashing. Luckily it came back on fairly quickly. It never fails that your electricity goes off at the worst possible time. It always has to be when it is a million degrees outside or when it is thirty below zero. Why is that?

It' another hot one here folks! 105!!! YIKES!!!!


Dave Pendleton said...



Oh man, that makes me laugh.


ridinmom said...

Like warm chocolate pudding....