Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Kindergarten Here We Come!

School has started! Yes it has! Kindergarten is way cool according to K-man and he loves his teacher Mrs. Hawkins. He looks so grown up doesn't he?

Last week was a looonnnnngggg old week. I am so glad it is in the books and we are on the dawn of a three day weekend! Yessss! Headed to see Miss Jana and her new beau. K-man is super excited and can't wait to swim. I am just looking forward to getting away and shop at the outlet mall. New shoes here I come!

Eric and I have been married for eight years today. He is such a gift and God has blessed me with the perfect husband for me and wonderful children. Thank you Eric for sharing your life, your heart, your dreams, and your heartaches with me. I am looking forward to a lifetime of happiness with you my love!

J-Dub (as Aunt Jana likes to say) is keeping us busy! He loves to be outside and he now says the word "bite" and "bird" which sound the same but he looks and points up for bird and looks at your plate for bite. Seriously, this kid can put it away. Sweet pics of J-Dub above. Have a great week everyone!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Party's Over

The party is over.

School starts on Monday at OSU and that means my three week break is over. K-man starts school next Thursday and he is very excited to start Kindergarten. We "Meet the Teacher" on Monday. All sorts of questions that young man has about his new class. He particularly is interested in knowing will he have "books" like the big kids. I am assuming he is meaning text books and, more importantly, will the food at school be good. Uhhh...don't count on it kid. I was just reminiscing with Mom the other day while we were getting pedicures about the good 'ole days of, as we fondly called it....braised barf. If you aren't familiar with this delicasse of the elementary cafeteria it was supposed to be mashed potates with white gravy and ground meat in the gravy. Say it with me people...ewwww! EXACTLY, hence the name! I'm just sayin'...my kid will NOT be required to eat braised barf ever!!!! So, on the days that there is something questionable on the menu we have purchased a spider man lunch box. Don't worry K-man, Mommy has your back. No. Braised. Barf. For. You. Ever.

On another note, K-man informed Eric last night that he has super powers. Interesting. What super powers do you have son? I'm not lying...this is what he said,
"I can read my own mind! AND...I can make the sun go down!" You just have to laugh. Where do they come up with this stuff? I'm glad he can read his own mind. I would be worried if he didn't. This is what keeps us young people...that and running for the bathroom to keep our one-year-old's hand out of the toilet water.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Sickness and power surges

Sickness! Sickness I say, sickness!!!

Jack was sick from Saturday evening until yesterday. Ummm...it was not fun! Not.one.little.bit! He ran fever and had what Caleb likes to call "the scribbles". I am sure you can figure out what Caleb is referring to here. Anyway, in all my years of being around little babies and changing diapers, I have never seen such horrible "scribbles" in my life. It was oozing from the waistband of the diaper and the legs. It got on his clothes, my foot, the floor...everything! Ewwww.... I am happy to report that Jack is feeling better today and that all scribbles have been thoroughly cleaned up and sanitized accordingly.

My home computer is sick too. BOO!!! Mama not happy! I tried to get get online yesterday only to find the dreaded black screen with white cursor. OK...reboot. Nothing. One more time for posterity. Nothing again. I guess I need to head to Geeks R Us to check on the computer so I can stay connected at home.

It is always disheartening when you hear that dreaded sound in the middle of the night. You know, the sound of silence when everything electrical has quit working, particularly the ceiling fans and the air. Then you always look over just to make sure you aren't hallucinating and check the alarm clock. Of course, it was flashing. Luckily it came back on fairly quickly. It never fails that your electricity goes off at the worst possible time. It always has to be when it is a million degrees outside or when it is thirty below zero. Why is that?

It' another hot one here folks! 105!!! YIKES!!!!

Friday, August 1, 2008

A break before the madness...

Listen...do you hear that people????

That is the sound of nothingness. YES!!! No classes, no assignments, no papers until August 18th! Woot! Woot! Yes siree...I'm free for two more weeks!

Let's see, its a tax free weekend here in Okie land and we will be off to buy the K-man some new jeans for school. All he cares about are his school supplies. I remember when I was excited about school supplies. A box of brand new crayons can make you smile.

It's h.o.t. here! No kidding. The temp says 94 at 12:00 but I think the heat index is 140! I need a swimming pool-anyone else?