I finished my last class last night!!!! WOO HOO!!!!
I am an official graduate of Oklahoma State University and have my Masters of Science in Educational Leadership Studies with a higher education emphasis! Woo...that's a mouthful.
Guess what this means???? I am officially going to start "reading for fun" again! Any suggestions on where I should start??? I don't think I know what I am going to do with myself over the next year....oh yeah....I am having a baby here in about six to seven weeks! Shah....no problem! The way I look at it is I have a year to clear my brain before the doctorate cohort starts in Fall 2010! Baby Shmaby...I'm superwoman!
PS Thank you to my wonderful husband, parents, and sister who supported me through this endeavor including: keeping the kids while I was in class, taking the kids away so I could work, holding down the homefires while I worked with group projects, etc. You get the picture. Couldn't have done it without 'em. Thanks family. I. Love. You.
PSS Thanks Jana for always letting me call you after class and chat while I drove home!!! Love you the most! :)
Wonderful news, Kristi. I'm so proud of you.
YOU ROCK! I am blessed to have you in my life as a wonderful example of a working mommy and life-long learner! You encourage me to keep growing in the things I do! LOVE YOU!
I'm SOOOOOO happy for you :)
Impressive. I barely got out of my pj's yesterday... ;)
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